A customer pays $6.58 for a $5.02 bill.
Find the least amount of bills and coins to give change
First calculate change amount
Change = Cash - Bill
Change = $6.58 - $5.02
Change = $1.56
Calculate change denominations
Our current target value is $1.56
The highest coin/dollar value <= $1.56 is 1 dollar
1 dollar = $1.00
Subtract $1.00 from our current total of $1.56 to get $0.56
Our current target value is $0.56
The highest coin/dollar value <= $0.56 is 2 quarters
2 quarters = $0.50
Subtract $0.50 from our current total of $0.56 to get $0.06
Our current target value is $0.06
The highest coin/dollar value <= $0.06 is 1 nickel
1 nickel = $0.05
Subtract $0.05 from our current total of $0.06 to get $0.01
Our current target value is $0.01
The highest coin/dollar value <= $0.01 is 1 penny
1 penny = $0.01
Subtract $0.01 from our current total of $0.01 to get $0.00
Total change summary
dollars | quarters | nickels | pennies | Total | |
Quantity | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 5 |
Value | $1.00 | $0.50 | $0.05 | $0.01 | $1.56 |
Build Final Answer:
1 dollar = $1.00
2 quarters = $0.50
1 nickel = $0.05
1 penny = $0.01
You have 1 free calculations remaining
What is the Answer?
1 dollar = $1.00
2 quarters = $0.50
1 nickel = $0.05
1 penny = $0.01
How does the Change Counting Calculator work?
Free Change Counting Calculator - This shows you how to make change using the least amount of bills/coins by taking a bill amount and a cash tendered amount from a customer and figuring out the fastest way to make change. Maximum denomination is $100
This calculator has 2 inputs.
What 7 concepts are covered in the Change Counting Calculator?
changeA measure in differencechange countingcountingtaking account of when reaching a total; includingdollarCurrency unitnickelA currency unit worth 5 centspennyA currency value of one centquarterA currency unit worth 25 centsExample calculations for the Change Counting Calculator
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